Agronomy News



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It is time to add the 5th R 

It is time to add the 5th R 

Unlocking the secrets of soil moisture, the soil moisture probe empowers modern farmers with real-time data for optimized crop management. From nutrient uptake to environmental sustainability, this tool revolutionizes agriculture, ensuring efficiency and resilience in the face of changing conditions.

Don’t let the pests trap you. Trap them first!

Don’t let the pests trap you. Trap them first!

Technological development in various areas has allowed agriculture to utilize some of these advances to help farmers grow, maintain, and store crop yields in a more efficient and profitable way. Increasingly, more remote sensing tools are available for farmers,...

It’s too dry to use VRT on my farm. Is it?

It’s too dry to use VRT on my farm. Is it?

There is a popular opinion that variable rate technology only works in good conditions and should not be used in stressful situations like drought or excessive moisture supply. For the last few years, many regions of the Canadian Prairies have received below-average...

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