It is time to add the 5th R 

The existing Canada’s 4R model lacks the limiting factor for most of the cultivated land globally. Having such unpredictable weather and moisture supply in the existing complex model of modern agriculture makes crop production more and more challenging. Currently,...

Don’t let the pests trap you. Trap them first!

Technological development in various areas has allowed agriculture to utilize some of these advances to help farmers grow, maintain, and store crop yields in a more efficient and profitable way. Increasingly, more remote sensing tools are available for farmers,...

It’s too dry to use VRT on my farm. Is it?

There is a popular opinion that variable rate technology only works in good conditions and should not be used in stressful situations like drought or excessive moisture supply. For the last few years, many regions of the Canadian Prairies have received below-average...

What is the Best Way to Implement Variable Rate Technology for You?

About a decade ago, Variable Rate Technology (VRT) was relatively new, and its adoption among farmers was gaining momentum, albeit at a slower pace compared to today. Modern agriculture now offers various ways to implement VRT based on different layers of information...