After the crop is harvested, it’s time to start soil sampling for the next season. Fall soil sampling is an excellent tool for providing accurate information about residual nutrients in the soil when done annually. For first-time testers, it offers a great initial assessment of the most important soil features, as well as an overall view of soil health and productivity.
In addition, fall soil testing serves as a reliable tool for giving feedback to growers or agronomists about last season’s crop performance. It can reveal whether specific nutrients were overapplied or underapplied, as well as provide insight into soil organic matter mineralization under season-specific weather conditions.
Moreover, remote sensing and soil scanning methods are now readily available for growers, offering further details for fine-tuning variable field areas. A field’s yield consists of low, high, and average productivity zones, allowing farmers to implement variable rate technology in fertilizers, chemicals, or other operations within the field. Fall sampling helps to evaluate the performance of each productivity zone, providing valuable information to adjust management strategies for the next season, such as modifying yield targets or fine-tuning fertility programs.
For instance, checking mobile nutrients like sulphur or nitrogen within the soil profile helps track nutrient movement through the soil, often influenced by water flow. This is achievable by sampling at multiple depths, typically 0-6 inches and 6-24 inches, providing a more complete view of the soil profile.
Soil organic matter mineralization is not uniform across a field. The mineralization process depends heavily on environmental conditions such as temperature and the presence, quantity, and types of soil microorganisms, which can vary both between and within fields. Higher mineralization rates result in more plant-available nitrogen, potentially leading to higher yields or an increased risk of nutrient leaching.
An experienced agronomist can identify specific areas in the field that may benefit from different treatments to enhance crop production while maintaining the same fertility levels and avoiding resource waste, which can sometimes lead to environmental contamination.
Now is a great time to give us a call and speak with one of our local agronomists in MB, SK, or AB for a quote on variable rate or composite soil sampling. Fall is the perfect time to get prepared for the upcoming season!